REACH is the European legislation for REGISTRATION, EVALUATION and AUTHORIZATION OF CHEMICALS. Companies have to register chemical substances they produce or import into the EU at the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) to demonstrate that the conventional use of their substances poses no risk to humans and the environment.
Who is affected by EU REACH?
Since EU REACH is applicable not only to chemical substances and mixtures, but also includes certain provisions applicable to articles, it is important for consumer product manufacturers and importers to understand their roles and responsibilities within the REACH framework. Substance restriction, authorization, and notification are important factors for an article that will be placed on the common European market. Also, the industry must deal with challenges presented by communication on SVHC within the supply chain and to consumers

Key Services Offerings:
- Chemical Registration dossier in REACH-IT – ECHA
- SVHC (substance of very high Concern) Data management
- REACH training
- SVHC Substance identification according to Annex XIV & Annex XVII
- SVHC testing with the help of 3rd Party
- SDS Creation with the help of 3rd party
- Data Gap Analysis
We support on all global REACH regulatory such as EU-REACH, UK-REACH, Korea REACH, Turkey REACH, China REACH